
So I’ve been tackling a segment of the creative business that I’ve always been a little afraid of-content creation. If you intend to make an impact with your work, then in my view being noticed is one of the hardest challenges. I’m proud to say that I’m shedding my fear. With the help of great directors like Nick Price and KR Mooney, I’ve been diving into the content world. All of this is done in the interest of exposing your work to the world. Without it you’re just writing stories to yourself. I once knew a fairly accomplished writer that decided to write his first novel. This author self published a well written, interesting work through Amazon with no plan to market. To this day, as far as I know, its been sold to a handful of friends with no impact to speak of. My point is this; If you’re going to make a run at creating for others to enjoy, then have a plan about how to expose or no one will ever know!