Director of Photography

Nick is the guy behind the camera on the team. He is able to work with Mitch and Kyle collectively to bring about compelling images to every project. Nick has worked on hundreds of different sets in his career thus far and is able to bring key knowledge onto the team that elevates us to a new playing field.



Keith is a vital part to the team as he ensures the overall vision of all our projects. He takes the vision of the team and translates it to the screen by drawing performances out of our actors and working with Nick to compose compelling images. Keith’s talent on the team is unmatched.



Painting with light would be an understatement regarding the work Mitch does. Mitch can take the dullest of images and bring beautiful bouts of color and emotion through the work he does. He works closely with Nick to bring the composition and feeling of an image to it’s fullest potential. A mad scientist to say the least…