
So I’ve been tackling a segment of the creative business that I’ve always been a little afraid of-content creation. If you intend to make an impact with your work, then in my view being noticed is one of the hardest challenges. I’m proud to say that I’m shedding my fear. With the help of great directors like Nick Price and KR Mooney, I’ve been diving into the content world. All of this is done in the interest of exposing your work to the world. Without it you’re just writing stories to yourself. I once knew a fairly accomplished writer that decided to write his first novel. This author self published a well written, interesting work through Amazon with no plan to market. To this day, as far as I know, its been sold to a handful of friends with no impact to speak of. My point is this; If you’re going to make a run at creating for others to enjoy, then have a plan about how to expose or no one will ever know!

World building

If you’re a new writer, I can’t express enough that ensuring a great story means spending time with your characters. Giving your players a complex, deep background makes them real. Its funny, I had a very good friend in the movie making business tell me once, “Bill your characters need you as much as you need them.” It’s true! Give your characters life. They need it.

We just spent these last weeks really defining the look of our graphic novel characters. Once they’ve been given a background they need to be given a look that supports their personalities. Its been an amazing process. I’m really loving this project. More to come!


I won’t write a lot. Just a quick update. We are officially in production. Gracie and Dan are hard at work getting all of the initial designs figured out. We have a great logo and the characters are coming together! Watch us go on Instagram @LunchboxCop and YouTube at LunchboxCop.

Its about to start

So I’ve been preparing to start a new project in the graphic novel realm. Its a little scary. I am so impressed with the talent that has taken a chance on working with me. Even with things being what they are in the world right now, we are all fully committed to bring this project to life. One person from the team in particular has impressed me so much. I feel very fortunate to have been given this wonderful choice. If this whole thing comes out of the oven like its supposed to, then we will make a lot of young readers very happy. More to come soon!

Initial thoughts

So I’m admitting right here that I’ve been in love with the idea of being an artist for the majority of my life. When I stop to consider how that means I have lived in the past, I would have to say that I’ve missed out but I definitely need more time to think about it. But when I think about what it means for me now to express artistically, I believe it probably just means being brave.

Of course everyone knows when you’re an artist you allow anyone the opportunity to look at part of who and what you are. Me? I am absolutely fascinated with things that I see as beautiful. I am devoted to appreciating that which holds profound meaning. This I know for sure. What I’m still figuring out is how I feel about what I am producing. What I’ve promised myself from here forward is to live and act in life by how I feel. I know, it sounds easy, but it hasn’t been. I’ve definitely missed this kind of living and I just hope that I get a chance to truly realize it’s happening if and when it happens.

So here’s another thing; the creative work I’m interested in now, books and film, require a unique team to pull it off. This team must be diverse, cohesive, positive, and have a love for their work. If, as a producer, you’re missing these components, then I believe it will show in your work.

Here is where I stand. The sky is the limit. I’m proud of what I’ve done so far. I’m certainly interested to see just how far WE can take our work. Wish us luck. We will need it.