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I believe that human artistic nature defines the beauty in life. I love to tell stories visually through film and graphic novels, because I think it’s the most difficult. Though challenging, like a diamond, all the pressure from production creates the ultimate piece of artistry. It creates something that makes people feel, and that’s what I set out to do.  

I see the need in the world for the art we’re producing. People need now more than ever quality stories with meaning and community, so I put my full-attention and full-effort behind every piece, ensuring our fans have the content and experience they’re deprived of in other industries. Stories have an incredible ability to connect us, and my goal is to connect our projects to you and then connect you to our beautiful community 

Bill poole’s life and career:

Bill Poole grew up in Northern California where he always had a love for art. It started with playground chalk and continued to Caravaggio’s baroque paintings. After high school, Bill got a degree in Psychology and spent 25 years in government work, but art was always somehow present in his life.  

In 2016, Bill took part in the 48 Hour Film Festival, where he was surrounded by a group of creators that ignited his passion for film-making. After winning multiple awards with this team of talented independent artists, Bill was inspired to continue creating stories around his own brand. This brand became Driftwood Publishing. 

